Myoki Marcia Nehemiah

Teacher Picture


Title Guiding Teacher
Organization Two Rivers Zen Community
Lineage Dainin Katagiri Roshi


Myoki Marcia Nehemiah, Sensei, is Dharma Heir to Seiso Paul Cooper, Roshi and guiding teacher of Two Rivers Zen Community. Myoki is a co-founder of the Two Rivers Zen Community. She began practicing and studying with Seiso Roshi in 2011, received lay ordination in 2013, and lay entrustment in 2020. She is the author of two books of poetry, Reclamation and Final Story, and of Crone Age, a book profiling the lives of eight women in their eighties. She has been involved in her community as a member of a writers collective, as well as an environmental advocacy group and an organization assisting older adults.


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