Stephen Mugen Snyder, Sensei

Teacher Picture


Title Sensei
Organization Awakening Dharma
Lineage Maezumi-roshi & Glassman-roshi


Meditating in the Zen tradition since 1976. Completed hundreds of retreats with various Zen and Theravada Buddhist teachers. Authorized as a Theravada Buddhist teacher in 2007.

Completed Zen Dharma transmission with Mark Sando Mininberg, Roshi in the White Plum Asangha lineage after finishing formal koan study.

Diamond Approach, created by A.H. Almaas, aka Hameed Ali.
15 years as a student with 8 years of Diamond Heart Seminary practice.

Graduated from Interfaith Seminary and ordained as an Interfaith Minister in 2000.

California attorney since 1987. Part-time Buddhist teacher since 2007 and Full-time Buddhist teacher since 2015.

* Practicing the Jhanas (2009) [co-author] - teaching deep meditative concentration practices and nondual states valued by the Buddha.
* Stress Reduction for Lawyers et al (2020).
* Buddha's Heart (2020) - teaching the ancient heart practices called the Bhrama Viharas (Divine Abodes).
* Demystifying Awakening (2022) - presenting the awakening maps of Zen and Theravada Buddhism with a variety of meditation and practices in support of awakening.
* Trust in Awakening (2022) - a retranslation of the Xing Xing Meng with commentary.

I lead multi-week retreats several times a year in Jhanas, Brahma Viharas (heart practices) and Awakening. Lead active online groups meeting for monthly daylongs. Offering jukai to students annually. Guiding students through formal koan study.


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